The Fleece: The Merino fleece sits at the top of the charts for its fineness and high quality! Merinos consistently register a Comfort Factor (CF) of 98% or higher. Consequently merino wool is often used in clothing that will be worn against the skin.
Nature: The Merino breed is known for its genital temper and quiet nature. These sheep are compatible with other breeds of sheep as well other animals including cattle, goats and horses. The nature of the sheep to stay together is a great advantage when moving your flock from one place to another.
Adaptive to Various Climates: The Merino is one of the best of the sheep breeds when viewed from their ability to flourish in extreme weather and environments. Large, successful Merino flocks can be found from the cool and damp weather of England to the lush warm pastures of the American mid-west to the arid land of Australia.
Out of Season Breeding: Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of the Merino is its ability to breed out of season. This trait is another reason, besides fine wool, that the animal is desired by the crossbred commercial breeder. The ability to select lambing dates is a prime consideration for the commercial breeder as well as a breeder with other time sensitive commitments.
Mothering Ability: The natural mothering instinct in a Merino ewe is very strong. Merino mothers' are capable of expertly birthing, feeding and caring for her lambs with little human interference. While not originally known for multiple births, today's Merino flock experiences twins 50% of the time. Shady Hollow Farm has capatalized on this trait and have achieved even higher birth rates with our flock.
Merino Sheep